The laboratories of the BUT CEITEC science centre are up and running
The Central European Institute of Technology CEITEC BUT started today on Sept 16, 2016 its official operation in its new laboratories.
Integrating research and development in nature sciences and advanced materials and technologies on such a scale, the BUT CEITEC is the first science centre of this type in the Czech Republic. Sixty-one research groups constitute the basic building modules of the centre. They work with logically connected research topics concentrated in seven cooperating research schemes.
The construction cost of the complex of four buildings, which are interconnected by underground corridors, amounted to CZK 625 million. The cost of laboratory equipment and other top technologies designated for scientific teams was CZK 842 million. Most of the costs was however covered by EU subsidies.
The architectural study was prepared by Ing. arch. Radoslav Novotný of Arch.Design.