In the end of the Autumn 2019 had begun build-up of the Information Tourist Centre situated in recreational areal Olšina nearby the reservoir Lipno na Šumavě.
It is designed as a construction of ground floor object with saddle roof in energetically passive standard ordered by investor Vojenské lesy a statky ČR. From architectonical view we respected harmony with its surroundings a characteristic of given location. Short footage taken from construction site is possible to view in following link.
Information Tourist Centre nearby the Olšina Pond is aiming on give the tourist the right direction and regulation due to elimination of negative effects of their staying in protected nature area and to provide useful information to visitors of AOPK ČR Boletice. It will be also providing services as education centre focused on protection of surrounding protected areas. The object will be serving as information centre for investor as well about records of his own activity.
The Centre is being built-up with support of finances of Europan Fond for Regional Development, specifically by external programme INTERPREG V-A Austria – Czech Republic. The Project is attending the competition “Wooden Building of the Year 2019,” organized by “Nadace dřevo pro život,” which purpose is to support wood as home refundable raw materials for daily use and by that protect non-renewable sources for the next generations.
Miloš Ryšavý
- vizualizace – exteriér (1)
- vizualizace – exteriér (2)
- vizualizace – interiér (3)
- Návštěvnické středisko Olšina – výstavba