On the web portal of zoning plan for Brno City is being published new draft of new Zoning City Plan. The layout plan has worked up Office of City Architect based on concept from 2010, worked out by our company.
Besides Zoning plan itself, there are also disposal other materials presenting the next steps and preparations on the mentioned website. It can also be view in originals size and printed form on outside terrasse of magistrate on Kounicova Street 67. There can be also find brogue with text part of layout.
Regard to all aspects of emergency status in CZ due to coronavirus pandemic, there was fundamentally reduced assumed extension of meetings to unnecessary extend according to Construction Law and executive regulations. The term for applying objections and reminds is the seventh day after public meeting, which is to be 17th of June 2020, therefore term for assigning objections is 24th of June 2020. There is enough time to worked out and give objections or reminds.
After ten months we should be expecting the second public meeting, hopefully in better conditions and above-standard presentation for the public.
Our company provides cooperation for working up the objections and reminds including its filing due to proper form. Do not hesitate to contact us on this topic.
Robert Juřík
- nový územní plán města Brna