The design and subsequent construction of the new fencing of the Brno Zoo shall prevent animals as well as people from getting in and out.
Our studio A1 prepared the design for a new fence in the ZOO with a length of over 2 km. The fence design was prepared using the BIM Revit software. The new galvanized 2.3m-high fencing will replace the existing one, which is no longer satisfactory. The fencing route lies along the cadastral borderline of the ZOO, so that there is space for future expansions of the expositions. The fencing is divided into five civil structures in terms of length. The whole fencing also receives new gates with an expanded panel filling.
Even for such a seemingly simple project as a fence may be, the BIM software was an advantage for the design. It provides for example a more accurate calculation of the volume of landscaping and it is easier to plot the fence panels.