As part of the construction fair IBF 2017 at the Brno Exhibition Centre, the winner of the Best Construction Project in the South Moravian Region competition was also announced. BUT CEITEC, which our company designed, was ranked as the best project in the civic amenities category.
A total of 39 projects in seven categories were registered for this 15th year of the the Best Construction Project in the South Moravian Region competition. The governor of the South Moravian region Bohumil Šimek attended the award ceremony.
BUT CEITEC won the first prize in a category that has traditionally been the strongest one: civic amenities. Eleven projects were competing for the title, but it was the Central European Institute of Technology CEITEC of the Brno University of Technology that won. CEITEC started full operation by the end of 2016.
Our company was the chief designer in the BUT CEITEC project and we highly appreciate the fact that our work won esteem also among experts as well.
Kateřina Horká